It’s hard to believe that our first half term at Hill View is almost over, so much has happened since September! We are so proud of how well the children have settled in to school life here at Hill View. The children are fast becoming independent young learners, growing in maturity and confidence.  

We started this term off by finding out who Julia Donaldson is and what fantastic stories she has written.  We have studied many of her books and poems, linking our learning to her wonderful work.

The children have loved spending time in our outdoor classroom and have really thrived in this environment. Whatever the weather we have been out exploring, pulling on our wellies and digging in the planters. The children have been given many opportunities to explore, investigate and be in control of their own learning, it has been amazing to observe. 

Thank you for your partnership so far this year, the news from home slips, homework tasks and e-mails that you have completed have contributed greatly to the children's learning and we have loved sharing them with the class.

Our next learning enquiry will be 'What is a celebration?'. We will also be finishing the Read Write Inc set 1 sounds before moving on to set 2.

Here are some photographs providing a snapshot of the last seven weeks, we are so proud of our Reception Snowdrops!